Youll also want to keep track of your crypto portfolio and have a record of your transactions for taxes. Click on Edit and then click the. Binance Bolsters Defi Presence With Binance Liquid Swap Blockchain Technology Stock Index Emerging Technology To start add a widget. How to swap on . The TAG MEMO is a unique identifier assigned to each account that allows BinanceUS to identify a deposit and credit the appropriate account. Then youll need to convert it to Binance Smart Chain to use it at PancakeSwap. There are 13 pairs right now on Liquid Swap with seven of them including BUSD. Then click on USD on the right-hand corner of the website. Switch between chains with the Binance Chain Wallet by clicking the drop-down menu from the top of the pop-up window from your browser. Its mission is to make crypto discoverable and efficient globally by empowering retail users with unbiased high-quality and accurate information for drawing. What is a destination TAGM...