Make sure to select the correct currency and enter in the correct wallet address. My transfer fee was 770 but I deposited 50 to be safe. How To Withdraw Amount From Green Addres Account Bitcoin Wallet In 2021 Bitcoin Bitcoin Wallet Accounting Enter the amount and tap Withdraw. How to withdraw money from a crypto wallet . Click Withdraw to complete the transaction. Select ethereum wallet in the Withdraw from field. Dollars pounds euros whatever it is. How I got my funds out of Defi Wallet 1Download MEW Wallet 2. This is the script to start the miner. You will also need to confirm the transaction by entering in your account password. Use your recovery phrase from Defi wallet to recover your funds in MEW Wallet 3. Once your ETH has been sent and the transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain you should see the funds in your Coinbase account where you can trade your ETH for other currencies. Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain network you can col...