RVC TV-VNMTV x 100 where RVC is the regional value content expressed as a percentage. Value of non-originating materials VNM acquired and used in production of the good. Capital Structure Theory Net Income Approach Accounting And Finance Economics Lessons Finance Formulas for Calculating NAFTA Regional Value Content RVC Transaction Value. How to compute transaction value . Of Transactions in one iteration. End to End Response Time in seconds. TV VNMTV x 100 RVC. This is the recommended margin size. Principal after one compounding period six months Principal plus interest. And VNM is the value of non-originating materials including materials of undetermined origin used by the producer in the production of the good. If we take our 5000 and multiply them by 15 we get 750. 841360 Transaction value TV. Transaction value in determining customs value. 60 is minimum RVC TV VNM x 100 TV Net Cost. Total Think Time in seconds. The primary customs value of import goo...