Mastercard and Visa are ubiquitous providers of these types of cards. The entry level Midnight Blue visa card is free and doesnt require you to stake any CRO. Bitcoin Rewards With The New Blockfi Visa Credit Card Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Cashback Cardholders are subject to a 299 commission fee with a minimum purchase of 20. Can i use a visa gift card on . You are also entitled to double cashback of up to 10 if you. The amount of Pay Rewards granted depends on the category of the gift card youve purchased. To buy Bitcoin using your Visa or MasterCard check out our table of recommended brokers. Users are allowed to purchase crypto using a Visa or Mastercard credit card but US. In most cases if a cryptocurrency exchange or broker accepts debit or credit cards then by default your VISA gift card should be fine to use. You can spend the money as you wish with prepaid cards but they usually have lower limits on spending in comparison to regular cards. Hold an a...