Again sending Bitcoin from Cash App is a very simple process. Bought 150 last night thinking my funds would be accessible instantly as it says when using a bank account. Cryptoexplorer Citations Entrepreneur Mindset Leadership Money Motivation Millionaire Investor Personality Cryptocurrency Cryptomonnaies Bitcoin Co Use the slider to indicate how much BTC you want to withdraw. Coinbase can't send btc . Transaction completed still cant send my BTC. Bitcoins are divisible into smaller units known as satoshis each satoshi is worth 000000001 bitcoin. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. Summary of the process of sending your Bitcoins from Coinbase to any other BTC wallets. A lot of those apps would tell the users they have earned Bitcoin but require the user to have x amount of Bitcoin before being able to withdraw with the threshold above the 00001 BTC minimum transaction requirement. I was sending LTC from one wallet into my coinbas...